Friday, November 11, 2011

my guardian autobots


sapa cakap kalo nak npk chantek mesti pakai melawa dgn wajib muka tempek makeup..? sorry to say yg aku lebih suka pompuan yg tak makeup, cukup la setakat basic foundation, nipis yg sesgt nipis sebab ia menunjukkan kecantikan sebenar.. the natural beauty.. its can really melt my heart down.. and thanks to my love Megan sebab bagi can kat aku kat sini nak tunjuk kat hampa even with no make up.. she's still the gorgeous.. I love u bebyyy~! ;)

'she's sensation.. she's sensationnnn... she looks so sweet..!'

balik umah mesti kena marah ngn adik dia sebab curi baju.. hihihi..

p/s: to my #missfuture its just jeans n tshirt with no makeup.. n you just amazing just the way you are.. ;)

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