Saturday, October 22, 2011

Libya under Gaddafi

In fact that Muamar Gaddafi rules Libya with Autocracy a.k.a Dictatorship there's some fact that we don't know about his policy toward ruling the country. Otherwise there must be a propaganda manipulated by the western media that gave a bad image about him. here some fact that i get about some internal policy by Goverment ruled Muamar Gaddafi.
1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.
2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.
3. Home considered a human right in Libya - Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a home. Gaddafi's father has died while him, his wife and his mother are still living in a tent.
4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 Dinar (US$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans are literate.Todayy the figure is 83%.
6. Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms - all for free.
7. If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funds them to go abroad for it - not only free but they get US$2,300/mth accommodation and car allowance.
8. In Libyan, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.
10. Libya has no external debt and its reserves amount to $150 billion - now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until employment is found.
12. A portion of Libyan oil sale is, credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child receive US$5,000
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $ 0.15
15. 25% of Libyans have a university degree
16. Gaddafi carried out the world's largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
ps: Al-Fatihah~

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tahukah Anda..?

Pada hari ini 20 Oktober, 64 tahun dahulu, rakyat negara ini telah bersatu merentas kaum, agama, kelas, kepercayaan, fahaman & ideologi untuk satu matlamat - menjalankan Hartal seluruh Malaya sebagai tanda protes terhadap Perlembagaan Federation 1946 ciptaan penjajah kolonial British, dan bagi menyatakan sokongan terhadap Perlembagaan Rakyat 1947 ke arah kemerdekaan tanahair. Dari Alor Setar ke Johor Bharu, dari Ipoh ke Kuantan, jalan2 lapang, kedai2 ditutup, kilang2 tergendala, kota2 dan pekan2 seluruh tanahair telah terhenti.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Kedah Dictionary

1.Qhe-ngau = cakar
2. Se-qheyat = reda/ surut
.3. Hambat = kejar
4. Pe-qhembang = tengok dgn sesungguh hati
... 5. Contiang = lukis / tulis tah apa-apa
6. Ligan = kejar
7. Cemuih = bosan/jemu
8. Tokak = gigit besar
9. Gey-qhek = basikal
10. Gon/gaun = cerun (bukit kecil)
11. Belemoih = comot/ kotor
12. Tetomoih = tersungkor
13. Ku-tey = cubit
14. Tak dan = tak sempat
15 Hebiaq = celupar
16. Maneh melecaih = tersangat manis
17. Lencun = basah
18. Lokoih = basah kuyup
19. Kawaq = pencuri
20. Kanyaq = mentah (berhingus)
21. Ketegaq = degil
22. He-qhot petot = senget benget
23. Me-qhela = gatal
24. Log laq = cemekap/ cuai
25. Hawing = pusing
26. Punggai = baling/ lempar
27. Tengalong = tuju/ baling
28. Me-qhe-kah = Kupas/ koyak / merekah
29. Ayaq achaq = air longkang
30 . Ha-qhin = hancing
31. Kelepiaq = melibas
32. Kelolo = "tak berapa betoi" / suka buat jokes
33. Hemoi = "muka tak malu"
34. Me-qhe-nyeh = menggatal
35. Dak-aih = tak "matching" / tak mau
36. Hapak pera'e = bau hapak
37. Hijau me-qhe-ngak = telalu "hijau"
38. Celuih = muat
39. Me-qhelit me-qhelap = berkilau- kilau
40. Me-qhe-yup = jauh/ sayup / nak malam
41. Qhem-pang = "tergedik-gedik"
42. Kampoi = kumpul/ kaut
43. Je-qhang = rebus
44. Capoi = celupar
45. Te-qhe-bey = lastik
46. Melo-qhoih = lucut/ gelongsor
47. Me-qho-not = membongkok
48. Sene-qheh = selisih
49. Be-qha-chaq = comot/ kotor
50. Qhembang = gemuk / merembang
51. Pedo = hati-hati
52. Peqhusah = urus
53. Hapuih = tenggelam (lemas)
54. Qhan-dok = redah
55. Se-ghoh = kebah/ kurus
56. Qhen-jong = tinggi lampai
57. Pe-qho-ngoih = panas baran
58. Takek = ketuk/potong
59 Be-qhemba = bersaing/ lumba
60. Qhe-tiaq = ikhtiar/ fikir
61. Ge-qhet = gigit
62. Tahaq = tahan
63. Qha-gaih = panjat
64. Melewaq = merayau
65. Melahaq = kebulur
66. Qha-bat. = naik/panjat
67. Qhim-bok = belasah
68. Mengkelai = berkelahi
69. Cuak = seram / tak sedap hati
70. Juih = mulut muncung
71. Melilau = terhoyong hayang / berjalan-jalan
72. Qhodong = melulu
73. Qhedah = redah
74. Ayaq seqhebat = air sirap
75. Peqhasat = sangat dengki
76. Mandom = lembap / lambat
77. Ceqhoi = sangat cair / lekeh ( untuk anak muda )
78. Tepok = lumpuh / tampar
79. Qha-bit = terkoyak / pecah ( untuk kaca )
80. Kok-ko = dukung
81. Mai = mari
82. Terple'ot = terseliuh
83. Gomoi = bergaduh/ bergusti
84. Ketit = cubit / kena gigit serangga
85. Ga-qhet = gatal/ mengada-ada khas utk pompuan
86. Nala = tersangat / besar
87. Mang-kark = buah tak masak / perangai tak elok
88. Bergenuak = berduyun- duyun / ramai
89. Pediah = habuan
90. Polok = makan penuh mulut
91. Tey-liang = senget / memandang dgn pandangan sisi
92. Qhe-ling = jeling
93. Peng-kaq = kaki tempang
94. Me-qhe-nyut = serabut ( cacing @ semut )
95. Kesot = alih mengesot
96. Lanyau = bersihkan / sejenis binatang kecil
97. Cempong = angkat/ dukung
98. Lekaq = lapik periuk dibuat dari lidi
99. Conek = ekor
100. Depa = mereka
101. Qha-let = leka/cuai
102. Cey-mey = Mata bengkak dek kena pukul / free
103. Bakup = mata layu / mata bengkak
104. Katok = ketuk/pukul
105. Buah ce-qhe-mai = buah cermai
106. Buah qhe-yang-dot = buah keriang besar kat kampung2 dikedah!
107. Ikan ka-qhen. = ikan laga
108. Bijik qhe-mia = warna keunguan
109. Ikan temenung = ikan kembong
110. Sendai = ketatkan/ kemaskan / selak/lapet
111. Ketuat = kutil
112. Mengacom = mengadu
113. Mengkelan = tersangkut makanan
114. Kueh danga = kueh dari kelapa parut, gula dan dibakar
115. Kueh ka-qhas = kueh macam "bihun" / karas
116. Mot = bawak/ muat / bonceng
117. En-jos = exzos
118. Pedai ayam = kunci mangga/padlock
119. Pre-went = sprocket/ freewheel
120. Pe-diaq = rasa macam "colgate" / rasa durian yg tak manis
121. To-qheh = turis/ calar
122. Tungging buyung = "somersault"
123. Ponen = pondan/lembut, waria
124. Kesot = Injak / mengesot
125. Qhamaih = Ramas
126. Boroi = Berperut buncit
127. Kedeqhat = Kudrat
128. Biaq = Biar
129. Qhabat = Panjat
130. Ragaih = Panjat
131. Ghamei = Suka/gembira
132. Terebey = Lastik
133. Keciwi / ciwi = Belagak dgn barang baru beli / syok sendiri
134. Belengaih = Kotor
135. Contiang = Lukis
136. Mengkala = Kalau / seandainya
137. Katik / kemetot = Kecik / kiut miut
138. Celapak = Terkam / lompat
139. Se-gheyau = Takut- takut
140. Mengketedarah = Makan / makan dgn banyak
141. Melahaq = Lapar /Makan
142. Hampa = Mereka / kamu / awak
143. Depa = Mereka
144. Merenyam = Gatal (playgirl)
145. Tak dan = Tak sempat
146. Nyeh = Buang hingus
147. Ghe-nyeh = Senyum nampak gigi ( senyum kambing )
148. Singkiaq = Singkir
149. Keleboq = Selut hitam
150.pancoq= tandas